c programming marketing video

C Programming Marketing Video

Reinstating all my old online content has led me to some dark corners of my laptop hard drive. It pains me, sometimes, to think of what I would be doing now if I had twigged earlier on in my life that consistency trumps intelligence, talent or sporadic effort.

Many years ago I had an idea around creating a programming hub for the C language. Some programmers today would argue that C has been long forgotten and is a dinosaur language that no one uses anymore. However, the amount of legacy code still running in the world would absolutely contest that viewpoint (and I know, cause I’ve worked on it for almost my entire programming career).

Anyway, getting back to the point – I found this video that I’d created as a kind of marketing thing to entice people to learn C and come and join my programming hub. Which I never actually got around to building. The original soundtrack I used was Palladio by Karl Jenkins (a piece of music I adore), but due to copyright issues I’ve replaced it with a suitably emotive piece (credited on YouTube).

The C programming language rocks, and I still enjoy its power and rawness. So for that reason alone, here it is:

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