Minimalist Lifestyle Tips

Clutter affects our health, our productivity and our relationships. Too much clutter prevents us focusing, is related to overeating, less exercise, more stress and worse family relationships and behaviour. Minimalism and living a minimalist lifestyle can counter overwhelm and provide the clarity to achieve our goals and life a more mindful and happier life.

Don’t be afraid to break away from the busy-ness of everything and put yourself and your loved ones first. You don’t have to be digitally ‘on’ every hour of the day.

Taking time out to nourish your soul and your heart, as well as your body and mind, will make your work time more productive. It may even lead you to a different kind of work altogether.

Slow down, consume less, and discover what you love.

what to do if you have so much stuff you can't even see your floor

What To Do If You Have So Much Stuff You Can’t Even See Your Floor?

Are you living in a house that is so cluttered and messy you think you’re beyond help? Maybe your clutter problem has gotten so bad it’s affecting your job, or your relationships with others? If nothing else is working, here’s what to do if you have so much stuff you can’t even see your floors….

what is minimalism

What Is Minimalism

Minimalism is becoming more mainstream than ever before. Here’s a quick introduction to what minimalism actually is, and what it means to me. Believe it or not, minimalism is less about what you own and more about the way that you think. It’s an approach to all of life that can help even the busiest, craziest,…

decluttering: sell or donate

Decluttering: Sell or Donate? Or, Why I Gave Away My Laptop, A Fridge And Some Furniture

When I first started getting rid of stuff, I listed it all on eBay. When it came to the decision between sell or donate, my reasoning was: why give something away that could make me some cash? Partly this was because I was unemployed and living with my Dad, but also it was because I still…